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Resep Mie Instan Kekinian Pedas Bikin Lidah Bergoyang

resep mie instan kekinian pedas

Resep Mie Instan Kekinian Pedas yang Bikin Ketagihan!

Bagi pecinta makanan pedas, mie instan adalah salah satu makanan yang wajib dicoba. Rasanya yang gurih dan pedas membuat mie instan menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk menemani hari-harimu. Nah, buat kamu yang bosan dengan mie instan biasa, berikut ini adalah resep mie instan kekinian pedas yang bisa kamu coba!

Variasi Resep Mie Instan Kekinian Pedas

Resep mie instan kekinian pedas ini sangat mudah dibuat dan tidak membutuhkan banyak bahan. Kamu hanya perlu menyiapkan beberapa bahan tambahan seperti cabai, bawang merah, bawang putih, dan kecap manis. Dengan bahan-bahan yang sederhana ini, kamu sudah bisa membuat mie instan pedas yang rasanya dijamin bikin ketagihan!


  • 1 bungkus mie instan (rasa apa saja)
  • 5 buah cabai rawit (sesuaikan dengan tingkat kepedasan yang diinginkan)
  • 2 siung bawang merah (iris tipis)
  • 2 siung bawang putih (iris tipis)
  • 3 sendok makan kecap manis
  • Air secukupnya

Cara Membuat:

  1. Rebus mie instan sesuai petunjuk pada kemasan.
  2. Sembari menunggu mie matang, haluskan cabai rawit menggunakan ulekan atau blender.
  3. Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum.
  4. Masukkan cabai rawit halus dan tumis hingga layu.
  5. Tambahkan kecap manis dan sedikit air. Aduk hingga tercampur rata.
  6. Setelah mie matang, angkat dan tiriskan.
  7. Tuangkan tumisan cabai ke atas mie dan aduk hingga semua mie terlumuri bumbu.
  8. Mie instan kekinian pedas siap disajikan.


  • Bagi yang tidak terlalu suka pedas, bisa mengurangi jumlah cabai yang digunakan.
  • Kamu juga bisa menambahkan bahan-bahan lain sesuai selera, seperti telur, sayuran, atau daging.
  • Resep ini bisa dimodifikasi dengan menggunakan jenis mie instan yang berbeda-beda.

Indomie Goreng Sambal Matah

Indomie Goreng Sambal Matah

Indomie goreng sambal matah is a popular Indonesian dish that combines the spicy flavors of sambal matah with the savory taste of fried instant noodles. The dish is made with Indomie instant noodles, which are fried until crispy and then topped with a flavorful sambal matah made from shallots, chili peppers, lemongrass, and lime juice.

Indomie Rebus Tom Yum

Indomie Rebus Tom Yum

Indomie rebus tom yum is a Thai-inspired dish that combines the sour and spicy flavors of tom yum soup with the convenience of instant noodles. The dish is made with Indomie instant noodles, which are boiled and then topped with a flavorful tom yum broth made from lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, and chili peppers.

Indomie Goreng Keju Mozarella

Indomie Goreng Keju Mozarella

Indomie goreng keju mozarella is a cheesy dish that combines the savory taste of fried instant noodles with the gooey texture of melted mozzarella cheese. The dish is made with Indomie instant noodles, which are fried until crispy and then topped with a generous amount of mozzarella cheese.

Indomie Rebus Soto Betawi

Indomie Rebus Soto Betawi

Indomie rebus soto betawi is a traditional Indonesian dish that combines the rich flavors of soto betawi soup with the convenience of instant noodles. The dish is made with Indomie instant noodles, which are boiled and then topped with a flavorful soto betawi broth made from beef, coconut milk, and spices.

Indomie Goreng Carbonara

Indomie Goreng Carbonara

Indomie goreng carbonara is an Italian-inspired dish that combines the creamy texture of carbonara sauce with the savory taste of fried instant noodles. The dish is made with Indomie instant noodles, which are fried until crispy and then topped with a creamy carbonara sauce made from eggs, parmesan cheese, and bacon.

Indomie Rebus Kari Ayam

Indomie Rebus Kari Ayam

Indomie rebus kari ayam is a flavorful dish that combines the spicy flavors of kari ayam with the convenience of instant noodles. The dish is made with Indomie instant noodles, which are boiled and then topped with a flavorful kari ayam broth made from chicken, coconut milk, and spices.

Indomie Goreng Rica-Rica

Indomie Goreng Rica-Rica

Indomie goreng rica-rica is a spicy dish that combines the fiery flavors of rica-rica paste with the savory taste of fried instant noodles. The dish is made with Indomie instant noodles, which are fried until crispy and then topped with a flavorful rica-rica paste made from chili peppers, tomatoes, and garlic.

Indomie Rebus Ayam Bawang

Indomie Rebus Ayam Bawang

Indomie rebus ayam bawang is a classic dish that combines the savory flavors of chicken and onions with the convenience of instant noodles. The dish is made with Indomie instant noodles, which are boiled and then topped with a flavorful chicken broth and a generous amount of fried onions.

Indomie Goreng Bakso

Indomie Goreng Bakso

Indomie goreng bakso is a meaty dish that combines the savory flavors of bakso with the convenience of instant noodles. The dish is made with Indomie instant noodles, which are fried until crispy and then topped with a flavorful bakso broth and a generous amount of bakso meatballs.

Indomie Rebus Soto Lamongan

Indomie Rebus Soto Lamongan

Indomie rebus soto lamongan is a traditional Indonesian dish that combines the rich flavors of soto lamongan soup with the convenience of instant noodles


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